asbestos abatement
Asbestos is a naturally occurring silicate mineral compound which was used for building materials extensively in the 1900’s, which has currently been found to cause cancer from exposure, among other complications. It was used in materials like coatings, concrete, brick, pipes, pipe insulation, ceiling insulation, drywall, flooring, roofing, tile, etc. Asbestos removal has to be done by a specialty contractor who is well trained in state and federal regulations with respect to handling and disposal of the material. There are commonly several steps involved in asbestos removal as follows:
-Obtain abatement plan
-Monitor air quality near the area affected and removal route
-Construct decontamination chamber
-Construct decontamination chamber

-Construct decontamination chamber
-Install wall, floor, and ceiling protection (typically double layer of fireproof 6 mil polyethylene sheets)

-Provide inspection of area to comply with abatement plan
-Remove/bag asbestos (monitor air level and cease work if levels exceed standards)
-Document the legal disposal method for the EPA
-Thoroughly clean removal area
-Conduct post abatement inspection
-Obtain certificate of compliance from inspector.

-Asbestos containing pipe insulation
Asbestos Abatement is a very touchy subject in construction and naturally so, it’s a lethal toxin when ingested and poses a significant liability to company owners and project owners. Often when a possible asbestos bearing material is discovered during construction, operations cease until testing is done. Project owners tend to moan at the discovery of asbestos in their building because of the liability and also the extensive costs that can accompany removal.